During the Bootcamp, I decide to use the same application in order to fully understand the pros and cons of different languages and similarities. THE OPEN HOUSE APP is a simple application for real estate agents and for sale by owner(FSBO) to enter data of open houses guests. this MVC is made of a Rail API backend and React-Redux frontend.
A/Rail API backend the backend is an MVC, and follow the Crud and routes restful convention, also using v1 to allow new versions.
def create @house = House.find(params[:house_id]) @guest = @house.guests.create(guest_params) if @guest.save render json: @house else render json: {error: ‘Error creating guest’} end end
the MVC use validations, and ‘gem cors ‘ validates :name, :phone_number, :email, presence: true in order to secure data
the MVC has 2 relationships:
belongs_to :house has_many :guests
the MVC ‘serializer’ to simplify nested data
class HouseSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :house_address
has_many :guests
B/React frontend
the Frontend uses asynchronous fetch with method ‘GET’ and’ POST
export function fetchHouses() { return(dispatch) => { fetch(‘http://localhost:3000/api/v1/houses’)
.then(response => response.json()) .then(houses => dispatch({ type:’FETCH_HOUSES’, payload: houses })) } }
the frontend uses stateful components and 5 stateless components: import React from ‘react’
const MyHeader = (props) => {
return (
); }
export default MyHeader
the front end uses 3 routes:
<Route path=’/houses/new’ component={HouseInput}/>
this Final project offers a lot of challenges from styling to the usage of Redux. overall a good learning experience.